We, TOYOTA TSUSHO NEXTY ELECTRONICS (THAILAND) CO., LTD. ,Toyota Tsusho Corporation and Toyota Tsusho Asia Pacific Pte. Ltd.
jointly invested and established Toyota Tsusho Mobility Informatics with the aim of engaging in R&D of technologies toward realizing connected services.
<Background and Purpose of establishing a New Company>
The automotive industry is entering a once-in-a-century transformation period, and a new concept of interpreting mobility as a service has emerged.
MaaS (Mobility as a Service) is an integrated mobility service business that not only connects transport services of various modes seamlessly
but also provides mobility and transport services that are efficient and convenient for users.
One of the key elements in realizing MaaS is connected services, which require the application of advanced technologies.
We will bring together its technologies and expertise in TTMI to offer services in the connected services market
with the aim of contributing toward solving various social issues through the realization of its MaaS business.
Ref: https://www.th.nexty-ele.com/news-detail.php?WP=oH9axUF5nrO4pUNzoGq3AxjkoH9axUF5nrO4Ljo7o3Qo7o3Q
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